Moderation Commands.


??ban <@user> <reason>

Bans a member from the server.
Displays all the commands of the server.
??mute <@user>
Mutes a user in the server.
??unmute <@user>
Unmutes a user in the server.
Set's an AFK message for a user.
??warn <@user>
Warns a user.
??warnings <@user>
Displays all the past warnings of a user.
??clearwarnings <@user>
Clears all the warnings of a user.
Changes the status of the bot.
??report <@user> <option reason>
Reports a user.
??suggest <suggestion>
Logs a suggestion to the server.
Generates the invite link for the bot.
??kick <@user>
Kicks a user from the server.
??say <message>
Broadcasts a message in the channel.
??addrole <@user> <role>
Adds a role to a User.
??removerole <@user> <role>
Removes a role from a User
??softban <@user> <reason>
Soft bans a user from the server.
??purge <no. of messages>
Deletes a number of messages in a channel.
Gets the ping of the server and bot.
Other Commands


Will say 'Hello' to the user.
??oh no
Will say 'WHAT HAPPENED NOW????'
Taylen Maccabe is the creator of this bot.
That is the creator of I am FINE Bot
??random response
Will generate a random response.
Tells you what the prefix is.


I hope this page helped. Make sure to add this Discord bot to your server. Just copy this link into the URL bar.

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